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Deadpool 2 is an action packed, violent even emotional ride, filled with cameos, plenty of humour and a fair share of blood and gore that is defiantly not suitable for kids.

  •  21/05/2018 10:15 AM

[WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS] ​​​​​​​​​​If you haven’t seen Infinity Wars yet 1: what are you doing with your life and 2: Look away now as this review may contain some minor spoilers. Infinity War is also a darker side of the MCU something we have rarely seen before. As such parents might have to rethink a little before letting their children see this movie but they will be missing out on surly the biggest and best Marvel movie in the MCU!

  •  04/05/2018 12:31 PM

Fry Cry 5 is a fun, often wacky game with simple game play mechanics and a in depth world that will keep you busy for many hours and is a game you should defiantly pick up sooner rather than later!

  •  10/04/2018 12:56 PM

In a nut shell or perhaps a grog barrel Sea of Thieves is an action and adventure pirate game set in vast open world. There is no real solid story other then for those wishing to live out their pirate dreams!

  •  10/04/2018 12:41 PM

Red Sparrow is dark and shockingly brutal espionage thriller that takes Dominika across Europe in as she attempts to escape the clutches of her Russian masters and dodge the waiting CIA, all set to the back ground of a modern day era cold war.

  •  06/03/2018 01:41 PM

On the surface The Shape of Water seems like a classic Beauty and the Beast esc tale, woman meets monster, woman falls for monster, woman and monster live happily ever after. But nothing could be further from the truth.

  •  01/03/2018 11:38 AM

Welcome to the first instalment of the YoMe Views blog! This week talk about the inception of YoMe and what its like as a start up business.

  •  22/02/2018 12:45 PM

Surviving the Valentines Day blues can be tough that is why we have put together a list of Alternate Valentines Day movies to help make your day a little more enjoyable.

  •  14/02/2018 01:41 PM

The cult classic Clerks! became a fan favourite and won critical acclaim. As part of the Inspiring Filmmakers Series we take a look at a this film that had a small budget but had huge success!

  •  09/02/2018 03:33 PM

YoMe view takes a look at Steve Spielberg's docudrama about The Washington Post and the Pentagon Papers.

  •  08/02/2018 02:40 PM