It’s always hard to make a sequel especially when the first in the series is always hard to beat and original Deadpool is no exception after such a strong debut outing for the character (lets not talk about Wolverine Origins). So with the inevitable Deadpool 2 now making its way onto our screens we wondered would it be able to replicate the success and tone of the first movie? Fortuantely though Ryan Reynolds and director David Leitch have managed to do just that!
The film starts with Deadpool making fun of the death of Wolverine in an almost passing of the torch moment as we find Deadpool himself contemplating death after a terrible tragedy. It is left to Colossus from the X-Men to pick up the pieces of a sorry looking Deadpool and try to get him back on his feet. As such Colossus thinks it’s a good idea to attempt to recruit Deadpool to the X-men making him an X-Men in training.
On his first mission as a trainee X-Man Deadpool is still not emotionally ready to venture back into the world crime fighting superhero's. With Colossus and Negasonic for back up Deadpool arrives on the scene to aid young boy named Russell, a fellow mutant who seems to be having some sort of breakdown. This naturally leads to Deadpool screwing everything in typical Deadpool fashion and landing himself and Russell in prison with no super powers leaving Wade to die a slow and painful death from cancer.
Cue the entrance of Cable a super solider from the future looking to prevent the death of is family by changing the time line. His method of doing is by killing Russell. At first Deadpool takes Russell under his wing but the two quickly go their separate ways with Deadpool more focused on dying rather then actually caring about the kid. This leads Russell down a dangerous path and as Deadpool’s conscious catches up to him he teams up with Cable and the newly formed X-Force to save Russell from a path of destruction but also from the hands of Cable.
The result is an action packed, violent even emotional ride, filled with cameos, plenty of humour and a fair share of blood and gore that is defiantly not suitable for kids.
Final Thoughts
Deadpool 2 is no better or no worse then the first instalment but does an amazing effort of keeping with the same theme of the first movie and building on it. Full of one liners, pop culture references and breaking of the forth wall, not to mention an amazing soundtrack we also see Deadpool in a more emotional and vulnerable state giving him a sense purpose rather than just a colourful character with a dirty mouth!
With the ending of Wolverine the new king of R-rated movies has defiantly arrived and with Fox and Marvel working so well together as well as Disney’s soon to be takeover of Fox along with several of its franchises such as X-Men and the Fantastic Four who knows who we may see pop up in the next Deadpool or the wider MCU as a whole. Either way we are pretty excited at the prospects and once again has left us wanting another slice of the Deadpool pie!