About image
YoMe is a intimate media consultancy company in the North West of England primarily operating in the Manchester area but not limited to Liverpool and the North East. Our clients are much like yourselves, small, local and start up's looking for a helping hand to provide professional content for websites, blogs, e-stores and social media platforms.

We at YoMe don't like to use the word marketing when it comes to what we do because we don't want to tell you how to promote your business we want you to tell us! We are story tellers and we want to guide you creatively so you can tell the world who you are and what you do! Through video, still imagery, written content and social media we will provide support for you whether your a small business or one person!

Like most of our intended clients we are a small company only just starting out on a journey of our own, therefore its important for us that we not only provide a professional service but a personal one too! We want to know the ins and out of your company from the staff to the products you sell. Relationships when working together with our clients and other businesses is one of YoMe's key principles that is why we offer quality services that will get your company started at a very affordable price. We are committed to this philosophy in order to maintain long standing relationships with our customers.