If you haven’t seen Infinity Wars yet 1: what are you doing with your life and 2: Look away now as this review may contain some minor spoilers.
[SPOILER ALERT] We are gonna jump straight into this review just as Avengers Infinity War does with the events at the end of Thor Ragnarok with Thor and the Asgardians face to face with Thanos. Breaking away from the usual Marvel opening Infinity War wastes no time in getting straight to the nitty gritty. This early extremely dark and emotion scene sets the pace for the rest of the film.
After this initial exchange Thanos sends his minions to Earth to collect the two Infinity stones located there. Meanwhile The Hulk is sent hurtling across space only to land in the home of Dr Strange while Thor is marooned in space. The action doesn’t stop as Dr Strange contacts Tony Stark after being warned by The Hulk of Thanos’ impending arrival. As aliens once again grace the skyline of New York City similar to that of scenes during the first Avengers movie, Peter Parker aka Spiderman swings into action to join up with Ironman and Dr Strange in the first encounter between Thanos’ forces.
In familiar and yet smooth style the story transitions to the Guardians of the Galaxy who have picked up the distress signal from the Asgard ship arriving to find it in pieces. This is where they as meet Thor. The final team comes together after a brief showdown in Scotland before Steve Rogers aka Captain America leads Black Widow, Falcon, War Machine, The Hulk, Scarlet Witch and The Vision to Wankanda home of the Black Panther. This also slots in nicely with some of the final scenes of the Black Panther movie when Okoye makes a joke about opening up Wakanda’s boarders to host the Olympics or for a Starbucks instead it is the arrival of Captain America who is reunited with Bucky, the Winter Solider now known as the White Wolf.
As Ironman and co chase down the alien ship Wankanda becomes the main battlefield for the showdown with Thanos and his forces leaving Thor, The Guardians and Ironman to secure the remaining Infinity Stones. What looks to be a complex string of plots and characters 10 years in the making comes across almost effortless and doesn’t feel cluttered or simply mashed together. With this clash of egos and memorable characters Marvel has once again shown it is the mater of building a dynamic universe with Hollywood’s biggest names being the driving force behind it.
Infinity Wars doesn’t make any sacrifices with plenty of no stop action that isn’t to overwhelming, some hugely entertaining moments between The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy with a healthy dose of emotion leaving little time process what you have just witnessed. In a film that is a rather hefty 2 and a hour hours long your time in the cinema with simply flight by in a blink of an eye and will have you wanting more as well as shocked and inevitably feeling utterly disappointed that you will have to wait another year for the end phase three of Marvel’s Cinematic Universes.
Final Thoughts
Even for non Marvel fans which I doubt is very many you will still be able to appreciate this film and what it has lead too although we highly suggest seeing the other instalments to truly understand the size and scales of what is happening here.
[SPOILER ALERT] Infinity War is also a darker side of the MCU something we have rarely seen before. As such parents might have to rethink a little before letting their children see this movie. Although the film leaves us with more questions than answers what like how will Captain Marvel’s tie into this universe? Will we see Adam Warlock, who will survive the final character and what will be Thanos’ next move? How will The Avengers come back from this? Surely this is only the calm before the storm? If so we cannot imagine what will be in store for our favourite superhero’s but we cannot wait to find out!