Welcome to the first instalment of the YoMe Views blog! This week talk about the inception of YoMe and what its like as a start up business. As you can imagine starting a business takes a lot of hard work and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. That is the first piece of advice we could give to any budding entrepreneur but with a lot of hard work comes a huge feeling of satisfaction seeing your business grow and develop.
Although we have had some help on our journey we ourselves have had to figure out a lot of the smaller details as we went along. Designing company logos setting up social media and buying equipment all seem like pretty routine tasks a business must undertake during the early stages. But there are a lot of other steps you may have to tackle before you can officially start trading. Using our process as example simple things like producing release forms or setting up a business bank account have complicated the process and were factors we hadn’t even considered. So make sure you do your research so you don't miss every and we mean every little detail.
These tasks may not seem necessary but they are if you want to provide the best quality product or service to your own clients and while we ourselves at YoMe are still learning as we go being able to use that, equipment and take pictures or shoot footage and see our website take shape has defiantly been a massive source of motivation for us and it should for you too. But then there is the most challenging part of the process, building a client base and this is the stage that YoMe finds its self right at this very moment. Networking is no easy task but is key to the growth of any business big or small, new or old. Part of our strategy to grow our network and to connect with our audience is to be transparent with out clients and one way to achieve this is to reach out through this blog. We want to connect with our intended clients who resemble ourselves as a company, small, local and just starting our on their own business venture with similar goals and face similar challenges. We don’t just want to show you that we can help with your business by why we want to help.
We intend to do this with our approach that focuses on 3 key elements:
We do this in order with the understanding and hope that we can all grow together and help each other become successful businesses far into the future as well as show you that you are not alone in your business adventure. So keep an eye out for our future YoMe Views posts on the progress we’ve been making and what we have in store for YoMe!